China-U.S。 relations have deteriorated faster than almost anyone could have expected。 The question looms: Are the two countries leaping with their eyes closed into a so-called Thucydides Trap, with war possible between the rising and the established power? The U.S。 is driving this process and should reflect carefully whether it’s in Americans’ best interests to continue down this path。 China also needs to consider how to address the challenges wisely and whether the slide in the wrong direction can be halted。
责任编辑:张申9月23日,安利股份开盘后一分钟即封住涨停板,一直持续至下午收盘,其股价上涨10.04%,报8.44元/股,总市值18.31亿元。安利股份也因此收到了深交所下发的创业板问询函。新京报讯(记者 肖玮 陆一夫)华为9月19日在德国慕尼黑为其新产品Mate 30系列举行的发布会备受市场关注,而这一热度也传递至资本市场。
Looking back at history, directional change is not made in a particular moment or through a single event but rather through the accumulation of many small adjustments to specific problems。 The big picture only reveals itself later。 In this light, the choices China and the U.S。 make now will reverberate for a long time to come。